September 1, 2014

September 2014                                                                                

vol.1 issue 2 


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Photography by Mary Clark

Dan Jacoby was born in Chicago in 1947. He has published poetry in Haunted Waters Press, Deep South Magazine, Lines and Stars, Red Booth Review, Wilderness House Literary Review, and Red Fez. He has work soon to be published in Ascent Aspirations Magazine, The Vehicle, Clockwise Cat, and Steel Toe Review. He is a member of the American Academy of Poets.
Moonlight Chase

Used to be that men
Would sit around a fire
Of any fine foggy southern evening
Listening to fox hounds

 Valentina Cano is a student of classical singing who spends whatever free time she has either reading or writing. Her works have appeared in numerous publications and her poetry has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Web. Her debut novel, The Rose Master, was published in 2014.


She is learning to breathe underwater.
Second by swallowed second,

John Grey is an Australian born poet. Recently published in Slant, Southern California Review and Natural Bridge with work upcoming in the Kerf, Leading Edge and Louisiana Literature.


wham crash,
who slammed that door?
don't tell me it was the wind,

Lorene Stunson Hill is the author of the fiction novel, "To Dance With Ugly People".  The Kindle version of her book became the No.1 Bestseller in the African-American Women's Fiction Category in the United Kingdom. Lorene wrote her novel while surviving the challenges of homelessness, and raising her newborn grandson.  She agreed to share her personal story with Indiana Voice Journal.

Bill Vernon served in the United States Marine Corps, he studied English literature, then taught it.  Writing is his therapy, along with exercising outdoors and doing international folkdances.  His poems, stories and nonfiction have appeared in a variety of magazines and anthologies, and Five Star Mysteries published his novel "OLD TOWN" in 2005.

Better Than Flowers

 Winter, the first skim of ice on my driveway where the tar puckered up to hold for a while the gift of the heavens. "Watch your step," I tell the kids. "Hard surface." Because it can throw you. It can make your innocent feet slip out from under your weight so you land on your backside or worse. In a parking lot at

 Mary Clark is a retired grandmother who began shooting pictures with her companion, and commercial photographer, Dale Pickett about six years ago.  Mary sometimes sees the "picture within the picture".  She finds beauty in many forms, even the tiniest weeds. Mary's goal is for her lens to capture what her eyes see, and what her heart and soul feel at the time she is taking the photograph. She believes if she can convey that to the viewer, then she has taken a nice photo.  Mary resides in Anderson, Indiana.

 William Cass has had a little over sixty-five short stories accepted for publication in a variety of literary magazines and anthologies, including the winning selection in The Examined Life Journal's writing contest.  He is a former resident of the Midwest, and now lives and works as an educator in San Diego, California.


   The movie theater’s old doors were made of oak. Rain fell in big drops in the muck that had formed in front of the ticket window. It wasn’t yet five o’clock, but the evening’s gloaming had already begun to descend.

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