May 4, 2016

Three Poems By Judy Moskowitz: "Jazz Me", "Interrupted Madness", "Slam"

Judy Moskowitz is a jazz pianist from New York City .  She started playing at the age of three and attended the Julliard School of Music.   Judy began writing poetry three years ago and has been published on and is a featured poet in Michael lee Johnson’s antholgy Moonlight Dreamers of Yellow Haze, available on Amazon.


Play your big brass horn
That almost human voice
The sway of seduction
As it cries in pleasure
Screeching highs and lows
Swinging improvised solos
Jazz me with your Steinway
Bebop those black and white keys
A walking bass line
Running scales and modal tones
Taking me back to ancient times
Inside Temple walls
Jazz me to a frenzy
Crashing cymbals thunder
Making brush strokes tender
Blues me to the B.B. King
And Afro Blue
Jazz me making love
Inside a melody


The wonders of the brain
So vast with its hard drive
Sanity and lunacy
Close enough to be first cousins
I tried to interrupt madness
Many times in the past
Learning to be a still life
Waxed fruit
Hidden in a perfectly manicured
I opened the Rolodex of thoughts
And remembered fear
Flushing my nerves down the toilet
Running toward the allure of escape
The promise of nothingness
Madness has followed me
Throughout my life
Like a second skin
Becoming my best friend


I went to a slam
My first slam it in my face
A delivery of performance
The call and response of
Let my truth be told
Young artists wearing their colors
Slam me hard
So I feel the pain
In my groin
Slam it until my channels
Are open to receive
Slam me again with powerful words
Singing runs from church
Beautiful sludge
Does it transfer poetic on the page
It doesn't have to
Slam me till I fall
To my knees
And pray

~Judy Moskowitz 


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