November 5, 2015

A Poem By EF Schraeder: "Cobweb Church"

Schraeder's creative work has appeared recently in journals including GlitterwolfDark Moon Digest, Katzenhatz, Hoax,  Bloodbond, and elsewhere.  Schraeder's short fiction also appears in several anthologies, including Between the Cracks, Petals in the Pan, and others. Schraeder studied literature and philosophy in graduate school and is author of a poetry chapbook, The Hunger Tree Find more online at

Cobweb Church

No, it isnt quite daily, yet
an inevitably clumsy step through the web
I know is there but cannot see
tells me something new each time.

Those tangled invisible fingers
my hands cannot find,
let alone wipe away,
spell out an impassable urge
to build bigger than the self.

One moment reveals only a fine string
at the center, binding effort and grace,
spinning delicate woven doilies of duty
out of hunger and need.

Those wispy tickles remind, always,
when I tread into the darkness, watch closer,
dont rush with eyes open but hazed into
whats next or past.  Respect that
personal embroidery, that map of the world.

            -E. F. Schraeder

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