November 3, 2016

A Poem by Milton Montague: "home in Indy-an-a"

 Milton Montague, was born in new York in 1924. He survived the Great Depression, school, and World W II, He fell in love, married, raised three wonderful daughters, and retired. He discovered poetry at 86. Now, at 90 plus years, he has 103 poems published in 29 different magazines, including Indiana Voice Journal.

home in Indy-an-a

Staring at the television set
watching some silly show
my mind wanders and…

I am at my daughter’s
home in Indy-an-a
watching my grandchild
play the pi-a-na
her brother on the bassoon

sis is impromptu dancing
dad massages the violin strings
as mom smiles tolerantly
at the family attempted musical

in honor of the grandpa

I am smiling happily
just to be with my family

~Milton Montague

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