September 13, 2017

A Poem by G.Louis Heath: "The You"

G. Louis Heath, Ph.D., Berkeley, is Emeritus Professor at  Ashford University. Clinton, Iowa. He enjoys reading his poems at open mic events and often hikes along the Mississippi River, stopping to work on a poem pulled from his back pocket, His books include :Leaves Of Maple," "Long Dark River Casino," and "Redbird Prof: Poems Of A Normal U, 1969-1981." He has published poems in a wide array of journals, including Eunoia, Episteme, Black Poppy Review, Lunaris Review, Whispers, Dead Snakes, Raw Dog Press, Weird Reader, Literary Yard,and Houseboat Literary Magazine.

The You

You are older than the forests, more
Ancient than the oceans. You flare

Comets across our skies, fling meteors
Onto land and into water over this globe.

Science tells us you expand at the speed
Of light, now and forever. We cannot

Wrap our minds around forever as the
You exists on a plane beyond our pulling

Powers to perceive. Philosophers try to
Define the thatness and the thisness that

May comprise the whatness we call You.
Sparse pronoun You is placeholder for an

Awesome force without name. Religions
Teach what they can about infinite, eternal

Power, citing terms like omniscient and
Omnipotent from theological dictionaries.

We scan all about the cosmos with our best
Telescopes to find hints why we exist on this

Marble. Our eyes are very sore now. We must
Wait to see through vast, interstellar darkness.

Which star in the crannied, glittering infinite
Will connect us to the Real our eyes scan for?

© G. Louis Heath

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