March 7, 2015


I was born in 1984 in Lake County, Indiana, where I currently live and practice law. My practice primary focuses on civil and appellate litigation, and I have argued numerous cases before Indiana and federal appellate courts. In addition to my legal career, I self-published a volume of poetry in 2013 titled The Spring’s Autumn.

Presented here are Trophy Wife and February Snowfall.


Trophy Wife

Galatea, not from stone

Are you carved, but silicone –

Breasts so firm and overgrown

Could have never been your own.

From atop your head unfold

Winding, lustrous locks of gold,

Bleached from hues as yet untold,

Sprayed and moussed and pressed and rolled.

Who gave you those sparkling eyes,

Azure like the cloudless skies?

Not your mother; her gift lies

Underneath a man-made guise.

Botox locks your visage tight

In a smile veneered with white;

Needle-fed, your lips invite,

Kissing air without respite.

How the world must think you fair,

Judging by your haughty air

And your empty smile and stare,

As though free of every care.

Does there lurk a human heart

In that man-made work of art,

Each piece purchased à la carte

And assembled part by part?

Tell me, why have you thus tried

So painstakingly to hide

The soul that cannot but reside

Underneath the false outside?

February Snowfall

A bride, the virgin Earth

Dons her festive gown,

Unbroken sea of stainless white

With lacework traced in snow-lined boughs,

Veiled in opalescent fog,

Awaiting radiant Spring,

Bridegroom long-desired,

Ascending from the nether realms

To penetrate with warming beams

Her furrows long lain fallow,

And sire her daughters,

Numberless as the stars –

Delicate blooms of vivid hues,

Carpeting, painting April’s fields,

Sweetening its cool breezes.

~Adam Sedia

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