November 5, 2015

Two Poems By Philip Brown:"My Old Sheep Dog Pain", "Joy Is Not A Feeling"

Two lyrical poems by Phillip Brown. Phillip also has work published in the January and February issues of Indiana Voice Journal.

My Old Sheep Dog Pain

Dear pain my flesh does not want to endure this hardship like a good soldier
Like a sheep dog barking snapping at my heels driving me down that road to Calvary
Yes, dear pain, chipping away at my right to resist, I want to give all of me

Dear Cross my flesh does not want to rejoice or believe you have a great purpose
Like a dead man rose saying Thomas feel my hands touch my side will you only believe
I go forth risen dead to what I want out of life, selfishness will have to leave

My faithful sheep dog
Barking snapping at my heels
Chasing me down that road to Calvary
All the way to Heaven
You’ve been a true pal-to-me

Joy Is Not A Feeling

Joy is not a feeling
It is Truth
Where we are going
Calvary is won

Joy is not a feeling
Is God’s Word
That we are sowing
Through us His dear Son

One book, yes, just one
From the Words of God’s mouth
Promises that surpass doubt
The Person in the Bible’ what our joy’ about

Joy is not a feeling
It is fact
It says in the Bible
Promises He will keep

Joy is not a feeling
Is faithful
Comfort in trouble
Through the night we sleep

One book, yes, just one
From the Words of God’s mouth
Promises that surpass doubt
The Person in the Bible’ what our joy’ about

Joy is not a feeling
It is God
To us in Person
Our heart is at rest

Joy is not a feeling
Is His love
Thanks for derision
Grace to pass His test

~Phillip Brown


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