March 22, 2018

Two Poems by Angel Edwards: "Bereavement" and "Bird Watching"

Angel Edwards, a member of SOCAN, BMI and VMA owns a small music publishing company. A dozen of her songs are published by Saddlestone Publishing. She currently performs as a solo acoustic electric singer songwriter guitarist. Her poems have been published in numerous magazines and journals. Angel is preparing her first book of poetry and short stories and has one completed fantasy novella. She is seeking a publisher for her works.

I miss you my guitars
My broken arms ache
for your wooden and metal caress
I dream of you all my guitars
I have always loved all of you
Never more than now in my distress
The callouses on my fingertips
Worn worn with pride and honor
Disintegrating to smoothness
The pain of bereavement
Is more than I can bear

Jan 22 2018

Bird Watching

As a bird watcher i have noticed

Birds treat each-other badly

Boldly they grab human treats

Taking more than their share

They don't care

The hunger and need of

Fellow feathered friends

Not considered for one second

As a bird lover I have noticed

Birds bully their weak

Their elders their injured

Fellow feathered friends

Tell me are we just the same?


Angel Edwards

Oct 10 2017

Angel Edwards

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