a part time programmer and lives in the American River Canyon outside
of Auburn Ca. He has done some landscaping sign painting cooking and
made jewelry to pay the bills. He lives a rather quiet life. His wife
and he live with a bossy cat. He has three adult daughters and eight
grandchildren. His hobbies include type design, soapstone carving,
walks in the woods, collecting dragons, and a growing library of
Science Fiction.
--pain of job hunting--
Putting up with a lot
walking to interviews
telling someone only
what they expect to hear.
Fifty, a hundred times
hearing same words
not what they're looking for.
Then after weeks
or usually months
just keeping up the masquerade
there will be a nibble
a second interview.
Shock. After so many
you might get the job.
--Looking for you in senses--
I'm tainted
with joy of you.
Your taste
and scent
create visions
of 'Dante's Paradise'.
Search your skin with finger-tips
there to be seen
secrets of time and space.
How you taste
on this tongue
salt sweet
a memory
what old gods drank
for immortality.
--memory 1986 VII--
Oh August or September
riots every week
didn't get a letter until October
did not know anything
got divorce papers first time
old man saw me sitting on upper bunk
papers hanging almost dropping.
Said "Got divorce papers?"
"Can always tell by that look."
~David Howerton