December 3, 2016

Two Poems by Lynda McKinney Lambert: "Pantoum to Winter" and "Christmas Scentiments"

Lynda McKinney Lambert writes Poetry and Creative Non-Fiction Essays.
Her book, “Concerti: Psalms for the Pilgrimage,” was published by Kota Press and is available on Amazon. Her work has appeared in literary magazines, newspapers, academic books and journals since 1985. She is a retired professor of fine arts and humanities from Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA. Currently, Lynda has 3 books in development for publication in 2017.

Pantoum to Winter

God viewed the transitory seasons
helped them change their clothes
painted the earth with vibrant strokes
and sang at the birth of opalescent skies

helped them change their clothes
dressed the earth in sparkling white diamonds
and sang at the birth of opalescent skies
hung frozen glass wind-chimes on snow laden trees

dressed the earth in sparkling white diamonds
stopped awhile to make snow angels in the windswept field
hung frozen glass wind-chimes on snow laden trees
called forth scarlet-feathered birds to brighten the pale slate sky

stopped awhile to make snow angels in the windswept field
painted the earth with vibrant strokes
called forth scarlet-feathered birds to brighten the pale slate sky
God viewed the transitory seasons.

Christmas Scentiments

Dear Santa Claus,
All I want for Christmas is aroma therapy
beneath my fragrant Christmas tree
“Chanel #5” casts a festive spell. I want it!
Did I mention I’d like some kick-ass shoes, too?
Expensive Italian shoes - I want them!
Forget about those Elvin gifts and
get me Ferragamo, size 8
handbags from Italy, yes! I want Sharif.
I do admit I am a handbag snob -
Just give me what I want - nothing less.
Keep shopping till you drop, Dear Santa!
Let me give you additional tips for what I want
Marilyn Miglin’s “M” perfume and Versace “Crystal
Noir,” have the notes I love
Or perhaps “Opium” to send me into “Euphoria.”
“Pheromone” is an exotic fragrance - I want.
QVC is the best place to shop for scentiments, and I can’t
resist ordering an extra bottle or two!
“Send me the most expensive bottles,” I always say!
These days, even Santa’s reindeer are shopping on-line
up on the housetop the team sometimes stops when
Vixen and Prancer take breaks to order toilette
water for sweet-smelling girls like me.
“X O X O X O” for Kisses and hugs, for you! Oh, remember
Yves Saint Laurant makes delightful scents but, I almost forgot - I want
“Zibeline deWeil,” the best Christmas Scentiment of all!

With never ending desires,
Your Girl, Lynda

© Lynda McKinney Lambert

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