Daginne Aignend is a pseudonym for the Dutch poetess Inge Wesdijk. She started to write poems in English four years ago and has been published in severl online magazines. She likes hard rock music, photography and fantasy books. Daginne is a vegetarian and spends a lot of time with her animals.
A Murder in my Street
It was bitter cold, even my gloves were frozen stiff
I looked like a little Michelin man
Because the padded winter coat with fake fur collar
Made me twice the size of me
If it wasn't for the Christmas presents
I wouldn't have left my house at all
Late as I always am
With the yearly hocus-pocus during the holidays
Floundering through the snow with a load of
Useless but creatively wrapped gifts,
I was welcomed by a police officer at my door
My heart skipped a few beats... God, what happened!
There had been a murder in my street, he explains
A young woman was found in her bedroom
He couldn't tell details, but apparently someone
Came in through the window, Did I see anything?
A murder in my street, in my own convivial village!
As I went into my cozy apartment, I turned on the radio
'Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas'
From 'Good Old Blue Eyes' came out of the speakers
Sure, it's the most wonderful time of the year...
© Daginne Aignend