Bob Eager’s work has appeared in Stray Branch, Leaves of ink, Camel Saloon, Vision With Voices among others. Bob also can be seen reciting poetry on a video channel called Charisma Corner: In this poem, Bob addresses the question: "Is Melba Fake or Real Toast?"
Melba Toast Kind Of Feelin'
Becomes appealing only if it is...
The last thing on the shelf;
Or at the table grab it no one is watching-
Hard substance throws like a dog biscuit;
Some say it is a
Secret laboratory created hybrid ;
Or Something Synthetic?
Enough to survive on but hard to crunch and your teeth may cringe.
Dangerous seemingly stale weapon ?
Fake toast or is it?
Not a craving but a mediocre ...
Get through the day bare minimum;
Hits me again .
A Last resort!
That Melba toast kind of feelin'.
© Bob Eager
Melba Toast Kind Of Feelin'
Becomes appealing only if it is...
The last thing on the shelf;
Or at the table grab it no one is watching-
Hard substance throws like a dog biscuit;
Some say it is a
Secret laboratory created hybrid ;
Or Something Synthetic?
Enough to survive on but hard to crunch and your teeth may cringe.
Dangerous seemingly stale weapon ?
Fake toast or is it?
Not a craving but a mediocre ...
Get through the day bare minimum;
Hits me again .
A Last resort!
That Melba toast kind of feelin'.
© Bob Eager