JoyAnne O'Donnell is a poet living in Maryland. She enjoys mountain hiking, swimming. The scenery of nature inspires her poetry.
Springs Window
The sun opens the window
Flowers light the wind
Glittering and blinking
blowing like true colored petal blankets
carrying their warmth with the break of day
spritzing the grounds like a wonderful parties array
green with spontaneity.
Summer Shades
The shades of summer are a lion
the blue skies of grace
the sun carries our warm space
to feel the golden birth
our friend forever
the warm sand
the twinkle of seashells
like pearls
gleam in our hearts
forever echoing summer waves
with shades of glory light the greatest flames
natures best story.
Wishing Well
I walk into the day
to a wishing well
still there with arms of great streams
to make a wish
it is the shape of waves wishes
it holds a lot of coins
you flip a silver dime
for a poem to rhyme
to see a Victorian house
to feel the wind of the wish
take us to the magical miracles swish.
~JoyAnne O'Donnell