milt montague, born in
new york in 1924, survived Great Depression, school, world war 2. fell
in love, married, raised three wonderful daughters, retired. back at
college poetry was his new love. recently 33 of his poems were
published by 12 different magazines.
we are all born
with the same gift
limitless potential
to soar with birds
or crawl with worms
grow into a
unique human
live in the clouds
consort with eagles
you awoke today
the same being
with the choice
will you
take the
same old
same old
road again
live with the worms
have you honored
your gift today
I lie awake
In this eternal misery
My quest for sleep
My ship of repose
On bleak shoals
Of endless night
Alone and forlorn
In a lightless void
Of infinite blackness
Shivering in the cold
I meander onward
A picture or trope
A metaphor
For helplessness
It's Back
Barren Sahara was rejected
The raging river is back
Themes jostling ideas
All crying to be heard
A cornucopia of new pictures
Flashing across my mindscreen
Stars ablaze with new images
Blasting through the heavens
On virginal pathways
Eager to be the chosen ones
Crying, Pick Me, Pick me
Seize an evanescent theme
Hang on patiently
As it coalesces into thoughts
Then words which evolve
Into sentient phrases
Yesterday's dark fears
Are today’s ancient history
Dour forecasts replaced
By smiley skies
And cozy temperatures
An awesome portent
~Milton Montague