February 2, 2016

A Poem by Linda Lichte Cook: "Flat Land"

By Cassidy Marie
Linda Cook is an author, archivist, professional genealogist, and certified librarian assistant.  She earned a Bachelor's in Education from Milligan College, and Master's in Education from Indiana Wesleyan University. She taught for 12 years in the public school system.  Following her passion for genealogy and archives, Linda obtained additional certification in Genealogical Research from Boston University.

 As her day job, she digitizes and archives historic photographs and documents, assists patrons with information services, and researches historical questions.  As a writer she has written for magazines, genealogical research, and currently has a new book published as of July 2015, Images of America: Brownsburg, with Arcadia Publishing-History Press.  Linda grew up watching orange lilies and corn flowers grow in the ditches along Indiana farm fields in an era where lightning bugs were prevalent.  She often hears the theme song to the movie Hoosiers, playing in her head while staring across those fields, thus proving she is a Hoosier through and through.

Photo Courtesy of Linda Lichte Cook

Flat Land

No view shall be as beautiful as that
Which allows me to see for miles
Straight plains
Because that which is life,
hides, blindsides, stalks me.
Looking to the flat land there is nothing that can blindside,
Nowhere for it to hide.
No mountain
No sea distracts
The flat land promises hope off in the distance,
Staring to the distance,
Seeing what is to come,
My sight is straight to the sunset and rise, 
Where else but here.

~Linda Lichte Cook

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