February 15, 2016

Poet Janine Pickett Responds To: "Distress"

America, When Voices Cry Out...Do We?

"Distress" by Shameeg van Schalkwyk

America, When Voices Cry Out...Do We?

When children are hungry
when people are homeless
when the elderly are lonely
when the rich rob the poor
when justice plays wrong
when killing seems right
when love waxes cold
do we put up a fight
do we turn our heads
do we ignore their cries
do we bow in prayer
as yet another one dies
do we?


Related Haiku

An honest question
When people are in distress

How do you respond?

Wrapped in arms of love
pain takes a forever flight
together we rise

~Janine Pickett

 Janine's nonfiction work has appeared in commercial print magazines including Country Woman Magazine and Chicken Soup For The Soul Series. Her fiction was nominated by Thema Literary Journal for The Year's Best Horror and Fantasy #17. She is the founding editor at Indiana Voice Journal.

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