February 2, 2016

Three Poems By Angel Edwards: "Pensive Mood", "December Morning", "Tree Arms at My Window"

Angel Edwards, a member of SOCAN, BMI and VMA owns a small music publishing company. A dozen of her songs are published by Saddlestone Publishing. She currently performs as a solo acoustic electric singer songwriter guitarist. Her poems have been published in numerous magazines and journals. Angel is preparing her first book of poetry and short stories and has one completed fantasy novella.She is seeking a publisher for her works. http://www.reverbnation.com/angeledwards

Pensive Mood

The moon sulked behind the clouds
Angered by the brilliance  of the sunset
She turned her face away
Refusing to shine
A seagull perched on a log far below
The moon sighed in envy
Wishing that she had arms and legs
Only was a white shadowy orb
A slightly imperfect circle
Decorating earths night sky
The moon was content with her secrets
She had no wings
yet she could fly

December Morning

December morning beckons
I walk down to the beach
It is deserted and drenched in frost
Seagulls party on the rocks
the clouds are out of reach
with no stars out for wishing

Tree Arms at My Window

The tree arms
knock against
my bedroom window
Shaken and blown
dried leaves
caress the glass
Crumble to the ground
the tree arms
knocking all night
at my window
Follow me
into my dreams
Rocking me
Shaking me
Keeping me awake
In the morning
All is still
The tree arms
Wooden now

~Angel Edwards

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