Poet/Author,\born 1969 in Chicago,living now in Naperville ILL,Cancer survivor I have two sons that live with their mothers,been writing since I was 15 and stop for a while,then took it back up again 10 years ago,I have published so far 11 books,8 are poetry and 3 short stories,I'm a member of a site called allpoetry since 2012 under the username Anthony Sarch as well a second account on allpoetry under Tony Sarch I run several groups on that site I also run 6 poetry groups on facebook
also have my own webpage to promote my books and work at www.anthonysarch.wix.com/ poetry-and-stories.
also have my own webpage to promote my books and work at www.anthonysarch.wix.com/
Piano Lover
Sitting down on the bench,
I pull myself close to you
Placing my fingers gently
Upon your keys
As I roam high and low,
Releasing your beauty
That floats in the room
From your sounds illuminating
Around my body
Bringing me peace within
I play sweet melody for you
As you sit upon my lap
Feeling my notes,
Caressing every inch
Of your luscious body
in perfect harmony,
you tightly embrace me
While I play soft passionate music
You desire as our intimacy grows
While you make love to me
While I play sweet music for you.
~Anthony Sarch