Kathy Jo Carter is a nurse and life resident of Madison County, Indiana. The Arts are a passion, but her biggest passion is her grandchildren and great grandchildren. She is a member of Last Stanza Poets of Elwood, IN, and St. Mary’s Catholic Church.
A Fate Accepted
At first the attraction is visual, even physical
As you are drawn into his web
Crystal blue eyes, red hair to fondle
A nose that would rival ancient Greeks
Not to mention that feeling you get
When you enter his everyday space
Gaze into those love hungry eyes
Feel the room pulse with joyous energy
The moment of truth arrives like a cold north wind.
Affection, so pleasurable, has turned to obsession,
Then reality unfolds and you realize
You are involved with an Attention Whore!
Beautiful eyes, usually so soulful, now glare
Demanding you remain at his side
And you brace for the meltdown
That announces your departure
But you are torn! Love so complete
Heart so full, you accept your fate.
For this forever union will go on,
Until this adorable Siberian Husky crosses the Rainbow Bridge.
A Fate Accepted
At first the attraction is visual, even physical
As you are drawn into his web
Crystal blue eyes, red hair to fondle
A nose that would rival ancient Greeks
Not to mention that feeling you get
When you enter his everyday space
Gaze into those love hungry eyes
Feel the room pulse with joyous energy
The moment of truth arrives like a cold north wind.
Affection, so pleasurable, has turned to obsession,
Then reality unfolds and you realize
You are involved with an Attention Whore!
Beautiful eyes, usually so soulful, now glare
Demanding you remain at his side
And you brace for the meltdown
That announces your departure
But you are torn! Love so complete
Heart so full, you accept your fate.
For this forever union will go on,
Until this adorable Siberian Husky crosses the Rainbow Bridge.
© Kathy Jo Carter